Saturday, October 19, 2019

From Sixth Grade to the Shoe Factory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

From Sixth Grade to the Shoe Factory - Essay Example It appears morally deficient that he should be expected to begin working at lesser pay than an adult, but the benefits outweigh the immediate costs. His financial contribution to his family and his own savings are much more helpful than continuing to go to school and depriving himself and his family of the 180,000 pesos a week that benefit the greater whole. This is wise, and a morally valid decision on the part of his family. However, Vicente is robbed of his childhood as well as his potential to develop intellectually which could lead to far better paying jobs. Nonetheless, this cannot be proven. The primary moral violation is that he is exposed to toxic glues and thus his health condition suffers. His employer should be responsible for ensuring the factory does not hurt Vicente’s health, as they are not only harming a human life but also could cripple their own workforce. On the whole, the factory should ensure that zorritas are safe and healthy by seeking alternative produ cts or insisting that the producers of the glue do something about their own product’s safety, as these will likely have long-term effects on the zorritas that will lead to poor health, reduced income, and harm to their families.

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