Friday, October 18, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History - Essay Example Therefore, there was no distinction between civilians and military officers. The world at that time was experiencing an era of technological advancement. Nuclear weapons were dominantly used. The zenith of this was a nuclear attack by troops of the US in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These nuclear attacks led culminated in catastrophic effects in the attacked places. The effects still continue to be felt. In Japan, for example, 7 generations have passed since Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed. Genealogies of the bomb attack victims have side effects of the nuclear weapons to date. This just shows how the World War II was detrimental to the lives of many.One phenomenon that always arises with the mention of the World War II is the Holocaust. This denotes the widespread massacre of Jews by the Nazi army of Adolf Hitler the German dictator at that time1. The war ended on September 2, 1945 with the subsequent creation of the League of Nations which was later christened the United Nations. The US and Russia emerged as the world’s superpowers. This essay will tackle the nature of the people during this infamous war. It will analyze whether the nature was good or bad. Finally, it will illustrate the affect the nature had on the politics, economy and religion of the world. Christopher Browning’s book, Ordinary Men best illustrates the phenomenal nature in this infamous war. It gives evidence about the perpetrators of the Holocaust and the effects of the war. Browning notes that the draftees of the Holocaust were simply ordinary men who were not necessarily evil. They were only obliging to the demands of one Adolf Hitler. They were not evil at all he notes. For example, we are told that o June 12, 1942 one commanding officer in the Nazi army is ordered to kill all able bodied Jewish males in the city of Josefow in Poland. He did not intend to do this, but had to follow orders. The book tells of one commander, Wilhelm Trapp who gave his me n an option of executing the Jews or not doing it. We are informed that only twelve soldiers went ahead and executed the Jews, but about 500 of them did not. This explains that in most soldiers, behind the obligatory roles lay the human character. One that was compassionate and ready to forgive. Browning then reveals in his books about subsequent events that lead to the Holocaust. We are told that in the city of Hamburg, in 1943, about 38000 Jews were shot dead mercilessly while about 45000 of them were thrown to gas chambers. The holocaust had begun. The author explains how ordinary German men graduate and become murderers2. We are left to wonder what went wrong of all these men. A few months changed them. Hitler had cultivated a culture of hate in them. They simply hated Jews for no apparent reason. They actions were not justified at all. Millions of Jews lost their innocent lives in cold blood. The Nazi soldiers became brutal beings. The Germans in the early parts of the war were very aggressive in nature. They managed to conquer most parts in the war. The international community stayed put and mum about the Nazi killings. This can be attributed to the fact that, in the early parts, the Germans were heavily endowed in technology. They took the world by storm with their warfare tanks, armored vehicles and military planes referred to as torpedoes. Their innovative nature contributed to their success in the early exchanges. Success

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